A new subdomain for SNL guys... tv.stacker.news
100 sats \ 1 reply \ @Car 12 Sep
We have www.stackernews.live all the links are here. One of my stretch goals in Sept is to make a SNL territory and just post all the videos there as a post, with embedded video links, podcast links, etc.
21 sats \ 7 replies \ @ek 12 Sep
interesting, we considered this case of disguising links as other links in our code but you found a way around it
with "way around it" i mean that we didn't consider such a simple attempt, lol.
you can use domain redirect too
yes but we don't consider domain redirects malicious. we just wanted to avoid that anyone can pretend that a link is another link.
so this shouldn't be possible: stacker.news
but we assumed that a link would start with https:// ...
thanks for giving me more work Darth lol
ah ok, you are right... it must be:
but you see? the preview is breaking the link... https:// tv.stacker.news
121 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 12 Sep
Oh, I see.
/cc @k00b, mhh, maybe sometimes one would not want to have a nostr embed even though it's a link that contains an npub ... for example, here, the embed hides the link to https://zap.stream/p/npub1hedhcq93v5c226w8gfece5lxkf6zldvrgygw9ppmyq3msggvl6rst8kmxw
hmmm yeah if the link text matches we embed I guess
Don't complicate too much. Just make a domain redirect and is done 😂 It was a joke anyways...
Is that rick roll? Don't want to click...