eToro publicly announced that, going forward and subject to the provisions of the SEC’s order in this matter, the only crypto assets that U.S. customers can trade on the company’s platform will be Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, and Ether. eToro publicly announced that it will provide its customers with functionality to sell all other crypto assets for only 180 days after the issuance of the SEC’s order.
Looking forward to the SEC forcing them into trading only bitcoin. Very soon.
The crackdown continues. Bullish for Bitcoin.
NGL I didnt even know the SEC was going after eToro but I also doesn't surprise me since they offered so many other crypto options compared to Robinhood. I know people dump on using Robinhood to buy crypto but I bought like $65 worth when it was under $20k and get a kick out of how its just chilling up 285% lol