I love statistics. I actually didn’t know that you can get so many rankings on different categories until I read your post.
My All-Time Scores
Cowboy: 34th Value: 39th Stacking: 24th Spending: 87th Comments: 19th Posts: 32th Referrals: 23th
I expected to land in the 30s for most categories - and I did. I also expected to do well for Stacking and Referrals because I’m such a hustler. I certainly didn’t disappoint myself. I thought I would do better in Posts than in Comments. Since I’m ranked so much higher in Comments, perhaps I should shift my habits towards increased commenting. I’m even more of a cheapskate than you are! Haha
Most of the regulars seem to be sort of like this, but your referrals are very impressive.
Happy to beat you in at least one category haha