Provocative headline, but he backs it up with some salient arguments. I'm not quite as pessimistic that it can never happen (science is filled with impossible things that we eventually figured out), but it's something almost certainly on a much longer timeframe than people like to think.
First I would think about colonizing the moon and then I would think about Mars. It is well known that if a base is established on the moon, it would be easier to send ships to other places in the system.
The current NASA, and apparently Chinese plans include test, refuel and construction on the moon, and then Mars. Someone will have a human back on the moon before the decade ends. Probably China, which will light a fire for America, and others (India, UAE) to spend big.
Before that, think about how much easier the oceans and the Arctic/Antarctic would be to colonize.
We're a long ways off from sustainable off-planet colonies.
I agree with you đź’Ż
I think it could and probably will happen but not as soon as anyone living now thinks. If we survive long enough that is.
In a saner society, a rich guy with Musk's well-known and unapologetically expounded views would sooner find himself under a guillotine than atop a space agency with the power to dragoon the world's resources into his k-hole John Galt cosplay. The certainty that he will never make another planet habitable is no comfort to the rest of us, when in the act of trying he may do the opposite to this one. The doomsday scenario is coming from inside the house. I hope he dies on Mars.
Why would any sane person write like this? Wishing a death to another person? Excuse me for generalizing too much but could it be that Milei was right when he said that socialists want to kill you (for the “common good” of course!)
What a miserable scrooge who wrote this.
I could not expect but a magnificent display of ignorance based on the prodigious hubris of the vast scientifical knowledge of a sports blogger. Anti-capitalist, of course he is anti-capitalist. Utter pile of decomposed entitled BS.
This dude has clearly never seen The Martian
I haven't seen the movie, but if it's anything like the book, it's most definitely not about terraforming, but one man (barely) surviving, and even then, only temporarily (if he wasn't rescued, he'd have run out of food).
Even if this space exploration thing is real. Just imagine yourself in the middle of the journey from Earth to Mars. It will take at least more than a year to get there. In the middle of the journey the astronauts could all die of certain disease. Then there is this no return flight home. It is a one way ticket to certain death. It is not feasible.
Arnold Schwarzenegger did for awhile, but he kinda forgot about it until later on...
If we cannot start taking care of planet earth and its environment then we should not consider going to fuck up other planets. Sort out climate change and other issues like global wealth distribution - resource imperialism and then once we have a sustainable equitable governance of earth we might think about imposing ourselves on other planets.
that is indeed true that science is capable of achieving impossible things we had once only dreamt about or thought it was a silly thing to be happening. i believe to colonize mars is not that far impossible but rather quite challenging since there are so many thing to account fro such as resources, bare in mind that this one solely would be costly. also te distance and people's state of mind like experiencing something like outer space enviroment that is not everyone's cup of tea. for the most i suppose that there is no point in colonizing it. we must first take care of our homeplanet and then possibly be thinking of going outside or even building bridges between planets lol.
Personally, I also doubt that this is an event that will happen soon! I think that there are places on our planet that, although it may seem incredible, are still to be explored and that, despite having almost impossible climatic parameters such as Antarctica for example, they have not been discovered yet... and here we have oxygen... among other things!! I am optimistic about how technology and science are advancing, but I think that we are still lacking!!