My cat loves to eat all sorts of things and every time I open the fridge, he comes over to see what's inside. If I'm not careful, he'll even stick his head in and try to "catch" something to eat.
So, I came up with the idea of doing a photo shoot with my cat where I could visually show you this story that repeats itself every day.
To make the photos visually more appealing and create a "moody" atmosphere, I used a red light as illumination.
Here he was observing and smelling to try to identify any possible food.
He stopped to look at me, analyzing if I was going to scold him.
And after seeing that there was no obstacle in the way, he decided to go for the food!
Although the scene of this day was prepared by me, it's something that happens every day and that's why I wanted to document it and share it with you.
I cooked him some meat (without salt) and put it within his reach, which I then served to him at the table to eat.
Something I find super curious about my cat is that he doesn't eat directly from the plate.
Many times I've seen him use his paw to eat, as if he were a human hahahah
(He doesn't know he's a cat).
Look at that cute face!
I loved the next two photos because of the reflection of his face on the table.
I hope you enjoyed this visual story as much as I did!
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This post should also be in "Dogs and Cats" category. Nice post!