Was a senior in high school, was running late that day which as was a habbit and so my parking pass had been revoked, so my dad (ex-Navy) was was with me... just before getting there we heard it on AM radio... He immediately hunched at terrorism even though at that time it just sounded like a small plane.
I got up to a PC, the internet was getting crushed of course... I think it was shortly after the pentagon got hit the word (and shock) set in. The military recruiters in the cafeteria were busy that day. Eventually lost some classmates to Afghanistan (or drugs when they got back) after.
This was in the suburbs of Boston, so several classmates had parents flying out of Logan that day or worked for the airline, a few dozen were called into the administrative offices waiting for updates that they were ok.
I had co-worker was actually booked on one of those flights for their honeymoon but changed it last minute.
I had psychology as an elective that year and the follow up from that event is all I remember about it, definitely tore people up.
Then I think it was a year or 3 later the Loose Change documentary came out, can be argued it was created to discredit conspiracy theorists but if so it backfired because it got the wheels turning. By 2008 I was holding Ron Paul signs in New Hampshire and now here I am building software to defund the pieces of shit that did it.
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Literally me, colorized.