To me 9/11 symbolizes how innocent people will ultimately pay the price for the ruling class's imperial bullshit and tragedies will be cynically exploited to continue pursuing that same bullshit.
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Never forget the Taliban was given the opportunity to turn over bin Ladan and they set unrealistic requirements like not turning him over to the US. The US told them if you do not give him over we will invade and remove you from power and go after him ourselves. We can see the choice Mullah Omar made and the countless deaths on his hands for being detached from reality.
And the Taliban's weapons and training came from America.
Afghanistan isn't the cynical exploitation I'm talking about, though (although, it definitely fits into the imperial bullshit category). Iraq had absolutely nothing to do with 9/11, but the regime had been wanting to reinvade since the late 90's, so they exploited the opportunity 9/11 offered.