By Jonathan Newman
The Mises Institute is creating lessons for young economists to better help them evaluate and interpret economic events. Of course, these lessons also apply to anyone else wanting to be better education on economics.
  1. Thinking Like an Economist
  2. The Division of Labor and Specialization
  3. Profit and Loss Accounting
  4. The Failures of Socialism—Theory
  5. Inflation
It is interesting how the Austrian school of economics puts the individual at the centre of market behaviour issues. At that point, can individual behaviour determine the progress or decline of the economy in some way?
Excellent @indisciplined. I have already downloaded the book to read at my leisure. It is an opportunity to understand the economy in a more comprehensible way. Thank you for these excellent materials.
You're quite welcome. My hope is that I'll kindle interest in this school of thought in others.
It is an excellent initiative that young people, older people and society should become familiar with the economic issue of Bitcoin.