the whole "carbon emissions" is a fucking scam to make you pay more taxes Without those "carbon emissions" the life on Earth will just disappear. First, plants, trees, will just starve. Without plants and trees, animals will start dying. Without animals, humans will start eating each others.
Let's finish this crap with "carbon emissions" scam.
Thanks Darth! I'm glad, same views here! I shared this #670941
I do acknowledge that co2 is important for earth But too much co2 is harmful for earth 🌎 It's increase heat on earth that means snow will convert into water as a result sea level rise
But too much co2 is harmful for earth
Earth doesn't give a fuck about your farts... See cretacic era when co2 levels were 1000x time more than now and dinosaurs were thriving with abundant food... Did Earth died or give a fuck? No. You are fucking minuscule meaningless creature that Earth doesn't give a fuck. With a simple volcano spew can wipe you from the Earth. LOL people should go back to books and study all the prehistoric ages before saying all that bullshit about "carbon emissions"...
Umm seems I am wrong It's seems you are from China 🇨🇳
Thank you sir I always do reply your post Glad you replied mine Thanks
Just listen to what @DarthCoin has just mentioned in the comments and follow! We aren't here to discuss the fucking propoganda. This one is the biggest. You'll see within a few years, this will disappear like the Ozone propoganda disappeared.
Also, be ready for extreme cold weather from this year. I know, you're from Nepal and it'll be a little more tougher for you. The global warming (the scam) that the idiots talk about is actually a natural process and the heat wave is due to the volcanic eruption lately not the carbon emission. Carbon is in fact a good thing for the trees. Isn't it? You gotta read this. #670941