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Key Points

  • Europe’s top court on Tuesday ruled against Apple in the tech giant’s 10-year court battle over its tax affairs in Ireland.
  • The case stems back to 2016 when the European Commission ordered Ireland to recover up to 13 billion euros ($14.4 billion) in back taxes from Apple.
  • The Commission said at the time Apple had received “illegal” tax benefits from Ireland over the course of two decades.
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Apple has always lost these cases. I've never listened a news that Apple win at some place.
Same here. Plus, Google just took an loss in court.
EU court rules Google must pay €2.4bn fine https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cjw3e1pn741o
Okay I have to say this might be the most European thing I have ever seen. Ireland did not charge and DID NOT WANT the taxes. The EU is forcing them to take them from Apple... I just don't even know what to say!
I mean what even is this with forcing a country to take money from a company when they didn't want to in the first place! My brain hurts from this.
That does sound a bit odd to me too. I'm not really in the know about all the details, but I get that it's about companies trying to avoid taxes in Europe. I bet the European Court will end up slapping Ireland with a fine.
Yeah so from what I know about the situation Ireland has been a known tax haven for decades and the rest of the EU hated that and somehow told them they had to raise taxes. Ireland did but also gave various businesses something like tax breaks if they created X amount of jobs or some other conditions and the EU hated that because I guess it was still to low and easy to hit.