WE ARE B2B , primarily exporting OUTSIDE of the USA. I'm talking from that mind set.
======================= It's it easier, better, safer for merchants to do business directly with each other. Do your homework, research your B2B Importer or Exporter. Yes, you might get leads from various "marketplaces". But you really should develop relationships cautiously when planning any larger shipments to and from the USA.
Let's not even worry about KYC you will declaring KYC when you ship using any air or ocean method. That's just the way it is.
There are new importers, exporters slowly learning about using Bitcoin on chain. and smaller transactions using Lightning. It makes sense to have your acceptance already set up on your website(s), selling platforms. 99% of the time Bitcoin payment methods will still default in showing fiat as the foundation for comparison on converting to BTC / SATS.
If your looking for baby steps in exporting consider researching and having ready the Harmon code(s) for the products your selling (exporting, importing).
As an example we sell Hawaiian shirts, technically they would are:
Harmon: 6205.20 (this is the basic number, it can go longer). Origin: USA Men's Cotton Shirts. Woven, NOT knitted. They usually get counted in dozens (and each) kinda confusing when you fill out your commercial invoicing online.
I suggest and get at least one shipping account set up, so you can get better pricing.
Getting negotiated across the board discounted shipping prices for DHL, UPS International, FedEx etc. is a better way there are many 3rd party companies (they all say they have the best prices). You can contact me for some off the record suggestions.
P.S. If you just want to sell B2C maybe check out @AGORA
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