This is an insanely good conversation, and very important concepts for people in the bitcoin space to know, with the prevalence of psychopaths, narcissists, sociopaths, redpillers, masculine frame bros, high control groups (cults are a subset of these), and people who exploit labor and social peer pressure. (as always, if the shoe doesn't fit, I'm not talking about you, don't get defensive. One of the first things an OG bitcoiner told me when I got involved was to watch out for the psychopaths. Yes, they exist here. Sounds like there's a 9 out of 10 chance it's not you). I know it's geared toward women, and romantic relationships, and I know it's from a guy saying he's an ex spook, but... it's really good info for everyone, and if you like psychology, it's very very interesting. My only hesitancy in posting it is that it might give a few more good tips to some anti-social personality disorder folks in the space, and help them hurt others more. But I think the benefits outweigh any issues. Good luck out there!
the crazy eyes on the interviewer, lol
I know, I had a hard time watching her, I finally settled for just listening.
Lol! Everyday spy dressed as outlandish and standout as possible.
Well. If that's the reason to not listen, I'm sorry you fall prey to your mind's own ad hominem logical fallacy so easily. What a boring life you must live, dismissing so many exciting ideas because your eyes see bad fashion!
I find it interesting that you think I live a boring life. I didn't even say it was bad fashion, I said 'outlandish'. I could make my own show here just with your over the top promotion of these people and your own projection and judgements. Good times. I see why you like this show so much. ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
I have no doubt this guy is not really CIA, OR is part of recruitment for CIA. I tend to fall into the thinking the latter. I think it's pretty obvious he's recruiting, creating interest, etc. and that's why he's doing these interviews and sharing stuff.
But quite frankly.... watching it would help you avoid getting recruited if that's what you want to avoid. Regardless, again, the IDEAS in here are really good to understand. They just are. If you don't want others to understand these ideas....... I'd wonder why. If I wanted to exploit people, I would encourage them not to listen to these ideas, and get those around me to consider anyone who educates about them is a spook, so don't learn or listen! I would not want people to know the stuff in these videos if I wanted to exploit and use people around me, because them knowing this stuff would make it harder for me.
But also.... you're not wrong. :) :) :) :)
Interview seems like a joke.
This is obviously someone doing an Glow ......
I think it's funny how bitcoiners think surveillance and intelligence agencies are the enemy. Me, when I see an enemy, I like to understand them intimately. I like to know them. It's enemy basics 101.
But bitcoiners have a willful blindness to all things glow. Even a non-glow such as myself who mentions it or tries to engage with ideas or understand things will get accused of glowing, in a quick attempt on your part to not engage with the ideas, and to be willfully blind and know nothing about it, all to prove ideological purity.
It's really short-sighted on y'all's part.
So. About the ideas contained in this video. No? Nothing? Just straw man ad hominem attacks that convince yourself and try to convince others to be blind?
It's kind of embarrassing to observe.
The point is the ideas in the video don't really matter, or they matter as much as they would if circus clowns were giving you life advice.
You can't even tell me if they matter because you don't know what they are because you haven't watched it.
If a circus clown gives life advice and you judge it on them being a clown, you are doing an ad hominem logical fallacy. I am reminded of Lyn Alden's recent tweet on who was taught critical thinking, and the vast majority of respondents said not them.
There are many things I don't need to watch in order to know at a brief glance whether or not the information is useful. That's the great thing about building a storehouse of wisdom--you can spot foolishness quickly and usually before many other people do.
I don't adopt any life philosophies from Lyn Alden.
......... even if it's basic classical critical thinking skills??
In fact.... if I were a spook and wanted to prevent a community from being able to recognize or see me (or my spooky peers), I would do EXACTLY what you're doing now. :) I would say anything talking about it is a spook, peer pressure everyone else into not learning about any of it, and keep everyone blind so that the infiltration spooks could stay hidden amongst the group, as no one would know what to look for.
The lady doth protest too much, methinks
I'm still waiting for any discussion of the ideas in the video. Nothing from anyone.
Sounds like you are quite familiar with those kinds of techniques. Any good at projection?
Why are you NOT familiar with any of them? Are you not into freedom tech and privacy? You just don't care? And if you do, why would you NOT familiarize yourself with everything you can?? I try to wrap my brain around this inanity of all y'all's willful blindness, but I don't think I ever will.
Never spoke to whether I knew anything about those techniques or not. Only mentioned that it was important that you know those techniques, in this instance.
How come?
Gee womans show framing successful women as victims. I will have to watch more of this or maybe Im a sociopath!
I think what I really like is what he describes applies to men and women, and applies to CEOs, bosses, acquaintances, crazy girlfriends (I've known women like this, and it played out the same).... like the tests he gives, the things to look out for.... why you wouldn't want to know these things to protect yourself from bad women after nothing but your stack is beyond me. Just saying. This stuff applies to humans. And it's worth learning. For example, redpill women. They believe that women are all the bad things redpill says they are. Capricious, fickle, blah blah blah.... that women who follow this ideology, a lot of them just like the permission it gives them to be these horrible things. I'd want to be aware of what to look for to see them, if it were me.
Watch all of it and you might reach the bit where they talk about Elizabeth Holmes. Or you might do some logical fallacy and get so angry at the perceived injustice against yourself and decide not to watch it and not to engage with the ideas.
There's always more than a grain of truth in any good scammers patter ;)
Interesting. Which things he says seem to have grains of truth to them? You know, like which ideas? Which of his ideas seems wrong, and which of his ideas seem true? Are you able to focus on ideas?
To be honest the entire show looked like a stack of disingenuous pretentious BS. But to answer- yes men and women are fundamentally different, yet modern feminism has been in denial of this since the 1970s.
That...... wasn't what the show was about
I'm not saying this isn't good info, but the size of the watch on her wrist is distracting
lol. some people are the intellectual type who can focus on ideas. others are the middle school girl clique type who can't see the ideas since they're busy criticizing someone's fashion accessories. I won't presume to say which type you are. Time will tell. :)
Hour 1, minutes 30-33, good good good stuff
There are a lot of smart people in my life. A lot of them smarter than me.
But from time to time I look up and realize; I am currently surrounded by idiots.
The comments on this post are one of those times. Not a single post addressing ideas presented. Not a single one. Just comments on appearance and the people presenting ideas.