I have a GoPro-like camera at home that I hardly ever use. It's a Siragon Xtreme CX-7100 capable of recording 2K videos. Yesterday, I thought I'd go to the park and test its photo quality. Since it's such a small camera, it can go unnoticed in many situations, so I wanted to see how much I could do with it.
The first photo I took was just before going out. I've always wanted to photograph this shadow in my building, and since it was a low-light condition, it was perfect to test it out.
When I arrived to the park, the first thing I tried was to take some 'street photography' shots, but the photos came out very blurry. That's when I realized that for this little camera to take decent photos, I had to stay still and not move while taking the picture.
I tried it with a small dog that had a very curious outfit, and although the photo came out okay, the dog was a bit blurry because it was moving.
Okay, at this point, I learned some of the limitations of the small camera, so I kept them in mind for the following photos. Trees don't move, so they were the perfect 'model' for these shots, hahaha.
And my favorite photo of trees was this one:
I also realized that the camera works okay for landscape shots. Despite not having 'professional camera' quality, it can work for some specific moments, like when it's necessary not to attract too much attention.
I saw some kittens, so I went to pet them and took a couple of photos that actually turned out very well.
At one point during the walk, I took off my shoes to ground myself and discharge. I also tried to take an 'aesthetic' photo of my feet on the grass.
And finally, here's my best attempt at a 'street photography' shot, which was actually the only one that didn't come out too blurry... to achieve it, I had to stand still and pray that people wouldn't move too much.
I found this photo test with a GoPro-like camera very interesting. Another day I'll keep trying to do street photography with it to see how it goes on the street.
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