I shared that I will be posting a weekly round up of all the new tracks that I find during the week.
What do I mean by new? new to me? new to you? I mean these tracks were just released in the last few days-months. I find tracks the old school way of digging through music blogs and latest releases on bandcamp + soundcloud. No algos, no weekly playlists. Just me with my headphones. Instead of youtube, I will be going back to my preferred way of using bandcamp and soundcloud. I made it look nice, just click on the link to open a new window to listen. Enjoy!
This week I would like to start tracking which songs stackers like. The idea is to be able to providing the top 3-5 tracks from the previous week's issue. Leave a comment with a track or a few that you enjoyed or found interesting. Thanks for listening!
Previous Issues:
No. 1 - 8.31.24