After this has already been established in the USA, the EU is now putting pressure on YouTube to change the recommendations for fitness videos for teenagers that are using the platform. Of course, it's always about protecting people, never about the rampant power of bureaucrats. You can take whatever view you like: once again, the state is encroaching on people's privacy and starting to regulate things that are none of its business.
this territory is moderated
The video-streaming platform says that repeated exposure to certain types of videos could hurt teenager's self-esteem and body image.
Idealise particular fitness levels or weight groups
Yes, exposure to fitness videos might cause teens to realize they're fat fucks who need to get into shape.
Source: I'm a fat fuck who needs to get into shape.
What absolute psychopaths these EU bureaucrats are.
Lolol... thank You for this comment
from now on, only approved German soy influencers will be allowed on fitness youtube, shilling seed oil and bug protein shakes to the delicate kinder
And they need to be members of the apocalyptic church
Based on what? Natty and not natty?
"it's ok eating fiat food and weighting 150kg"
It's the duty of the family to educate not of some fucked up gov parasites
This education must include use of bitcoin to demonetize the state.
That would be nice
That's a good step by EU 🇪🇺
You mean by the EUSSR? How about education is a ptivate manner?