I need more intel & stats on maxis, toxic or not... ;-)
How many are still on a tax plantation? I really need to know, my future freedom & very survival might depend on this!
Maybe a subset are those who have had their fancy boating accident? Still, by simply obeying with what was not lost you're supporting the enemy, be it with property, stocks or whatever.
It would also be interesting to know how many truly live up to what is often put up as this gigantic billboard of sovereignty. I suspect that a lot have fancy, shitty or just ordinary fiat jobs, and that this is why they can afford to be toxic.
Yeah, of course I'm trying to provoke some discussion here, but also I truly want & need to know!
Oh, and of course any great "I got out of Dodge and won big" stories are especially welcome, if its you just tell that story about your very similar friend or sumthin! ;-)
Nice try IRS
buen punto, hay mucho maxis retoxicos que solo obedencen mas a su ego que a la causa noble de bitcoin. solo quieren ser reconocidos. y por lo general no los vas a ver enseñandole a alguien como usar bitcoin. Ser maxi no es malo, de hecho el maxi defiende a capa y espada lo que cree y está bien yo soy maxi, y creo en el poder cambiador de Bitcoin para la sociedad
This is what I get using Googlag translator: Good point, there are a lot of toxic maxis who only obey their ego more than the noble cause of bitcoin. They just want to be recognized. And usually you won't see them teaching someone how to use bitcoin. Being a maxi is not bad, in fact the maxi defends tooth and nail what he believes and that's fine. I am a maxi, and I believe in the changing power of Bitcoin for society.
Those who just keep working without much noise are never a problem :-)
If I daily convert at least $1 into sats, am I maxi?
Totally depends on your mindset & behavior I'd say?
I'm very close to being a maxi myself, in monetary terms but not when it comes to rebuilding a career where I can earn in totally unstoppable money.
I'll take anything, and then convert it into Bitcoin or gold, or a bit of cash depending on how much meatspace stuff I need to get done in the near future :-)
Ok. Today I got proposition to acquire real estate and I decided this is not what I need. Does it add some points to my maxi vision?
someone has to pay taxes, or you get a mad max war band type scenario where your loot gets redistributed anyway.
So taxes and centralized government has worked well the past century?
War bands... Yeah, there has been a lot of those, under the banner of those large gangs called nation states, and right now we're super close to the next, probably last blowout as during WW1 & WW2!
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