I prefer ramen to soba, but there is something to be said about the nuanced taste teasing my taste buds when I mix wasabi (grated horseradish) with soy sauce.
Mixing a little too much and feeling it in your nose.
Yay! I really like it that way! How did you guess? Haha
I do it the same way. Its not good until I can feel in up there. Then you dip it and offer it to your wife.....or your kids. Then savor the moment.
My wife doesn’t eat wasabi. Can you believe it?!
haha Then you have to share with your kids. Plus the green stuff you get in the tubes isnt real wasabi.
If the food is mixed with a little soy sauce, I really like it, it's definitely delicious.
I’m glad you agree!
Yes, it has become my habit to always use soy sauce when eating to add flavor to the food.