Oh cool! You should do online consultations for sats! (If you're on Cuba and still working in medicine of course)
I'd trust any of you guys on Cuba over the downright slaves of big pharma that pass as doctors in the former free world, when it comes to long term health.
Actually I've been in a standoff and fight to manage my own health for ~3 decades, I can tell you pretty insane stories...
Most of our health comes from what we do every day, of course its a good thing to have ER rooms and surgeons around for pure accidents and things like that, but for virtually everything else its better to be in control oneself.
And for that an actual MD that takes sats to discuss health strategies, symptoms and whatever can fit over video would be such a great resource to have available!
It would be a good idea. But in any case, by training we have the tendency not to charge because we understand that life and health are priceless.
Many times what we do most, I am a family doctor, is to guide people, give them tools so they can manage their own health. But charging for that is difficult for us.
What I could do is guide, help, guide, instruct anyone who wants it and if they value what I have done, then they apply the V4V concept, predominant in Bitcoin.
I don't mind helping people, it's in my nature. And I have seen that this is the nature of many Bitcoiners.
So anyone who needs my medical help can count on it.
Many times what we do most, I am a family doctor, is to guide people, give them tools so they can manage their own health. But charging for that is difficult for us.
This is what so many in the former free world need, and although many things can't be done online then still a lot can, especially the long term management part!
I have myself had an MD who was one of the very few in country who could actually heal people, but due to the globalist occupation he has to fucking hide his great results!
The stories I can tell... I will get around to that too! Big pharma is literally going after anyone who can actually help without their expensive and often very harmful, artificial drugs, but from this I guess MDs in your location should be safe from harassment?
Either way, there is a huge need out there! I'd be happy to help out
As I told you before, I have no qualms about helping anyone who asks me for help with medical issues. If my help has been useful to you and you want to use Value for Value (V4V), I appreciate it, otherwise there is no problem. My greatest reward is knowing that I have helped someone. No one can condition my work by pressure, I do not have a contract with a pharmaceutical company or any entity. Only my commitment to people.