Here are a lot of stray cats in the residence where I live. They usually gather in the same spot, and since some people feed them, the cats have chosen this place as their 'home.' Even though they're strays, you always see them coming back.
My girlfriend and I have been feeding these stray cats for months now, so today I wanted to show you some photos of them.
There are about 8 cats in this area, but only a few of them were there this day.
Normally, we bring them cat food, but today we wanted to give them some leftover meat that we cooked without salt for them.
It's really funny how often we arrive and only see 1 or 2 cats, but as soon as we start serving their food, they all start to appear!
We try to divide the food evenly so that all the cats can eat, and we keep an eye on them until they finish eating to prevent them from fighting for the food.
From feeding them so many times, we've gained the trust of these cats, and they let us pet them. They're all so sweet. You can tell that they need affection. Although I can't adopt them all, at least I make sure to feed them and give them some pets whenever I see them.
With this post, I hope to inspire you to feed stray cats and dogs too. Instead of throwing away your leftover food, you could give it to them!
I have cats at home, so I have to buy cat food every month, and I always include an extra bag in my budget to feed the stray cats!
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You creating yourself a problem without even realizing... don't feed wild/stray animals period. They are better off without your help. Trust the nature not your fuzzy feelings.
they already live in the surrounding of the residence and all the people feed them so they are already used to it.
these cats are lovely