which was to be expected. Many of these "panic trends" are just repeats. There was a wave of "political corrcetness" before, also mostly at universities, around the 2000s.It was the absurdity of rich college kids thinking themselves the most oppressed peoples of earth because someone was mean to them once which, in their protected upbringing, no one had ever been THAT before. It swelled up and spread, took the media (then safely mainstream, all of it), and then people quickly got tired and then angered by it, and it died off. This was a rerun. This happens all the time. Media panics are the same. The smartphone is making everyone a zombie! They said that about novels. As in, books. They also said that about movies, and video games. And before, they said it about the theater. Sometimes history doesn't rhyme, sometimes it straight up plagiarizes.
Astute! People think human psychology is a joke, but hardly.
I’ve been applying to many jobs recently and the overt DEI pandering is so off putting. A lot of it is required for government contracts though. Our tax dollars funding affirmative action. I suppose there’s a national security case to be made. It would be tough to fight other nation states if you couldn’t convince minorities to die for “their” country.
Yes this insanity has now started its inevitable slide into oblivion, which is good.
But both the deep damage it has done as well as the instigators of the whole thing will be much harder to root out, the worst, really mad schemes makes it easier to point out that something has to change, but few go for the roots...
Watch out for fiat media doing a 180 now, simulating that they're now going deeper!
The recoil is fierce and will continue to be.
Sure hope so!
But will it go deep enough? Sure hope so too, but I'd be very surprised!
I was shocked when my spouse filled out an application form in 2021 and there where 15 genders.
Recently a Bitcoin mining company Riot has asked what pronouns are desired in an application. It's an awkward and tedious formality. The same goes for the race of many years in voluntary disclosure. It's tedious.
Story was good
Racial quotas to affirmative action to diversity to DEI
Same objective, different name/new speak
The objective is equality of outcome and result