I have been thinking about this for some time.
The cue to open this discussion comes from the joke made on FB about Satoshi Nakamoto's letters.
I am copying and pasting this joke:
Already I glimpse the future of places of worship, this is how they function today: “From the letters of St. Paul the Apostle to the Cretans, “brothers...” 100 years from now: “From Satoshi Nakamoto's letter to Sirius: “my choice ...”
We already have exactly the parallelism with classical religions, we have the prophet (Satoshi Nakamoto) giving salvation to humanity (Bitcoin), we have the various maximalist apostles and disciples.
We have the Force with which "missionaries" seek conversion in Grin "nocoiners" and try to take the word to all populations emphasizing this sense of salvation found only in Bitcoin etc..
In my opinion, Bitcoin is already a religion, a cult for many, but the reflections really go further and really we have all the elements of so many invented religions in every latitude, but these fantasies could now really be turned into something absolutely concrete, real!
Let's look at some of the elements:
1 - We have a kind of "divine" platform that is technically immortal and beyond human control, that can theoretically give eternal life to any essence you put into it. A kind of immovable engine, but also "creator" and "keeper" with bitcoin.
2 - We have a "beyond" and an "afterlife": Like so many religions where we think of the "earthly, physical, corrupt world" and a "beyond" that can be eternal, pure, incorruptible like heaven or nirvana etc.
Bitcoin somehow offers this vision as well, we have a bridge between the physical world and the digital world, a physical connection with mining the energy etc. and a creation of a digital cyberspace that can create worlds and essences that are somehow "eternal" "incorruptible by space and time and man" and in which one can also create, let's say, ideal worlds by giving birth to some form of realities that are "beyond" the physical world but also connected to "beyond" and' that would tend to have the presumption of eternal incorruptibility like an idyllic Eden in some kind of immortal metaverse built on e. g. a layer 2, which would guarantee a world with inviolable, untouchable, incorruptible, immortal goods, etc. ... in dichotomy with the world physically corrupted by man and obviously becoming.
3 - Ideologies related to the soul, the spirit, reincarnation or demonic angels or in any case this whole narrative of so many religions related to the existence of this kind of presences that are neither in the beyond nor in the hereafter, etc.
Let's try to imagine a sentient/conscious AI and put it in some kind of layer 2 and build some kind of "essence" beyond time and space, immortal humanoid but not human. Maybe ubiquitous even with a reality where maybe we all have visors or contact lenses and we are connected 24/24 living a hybrid world between real and virtual/digital augmented to say, and we can interact with these "presences" that are everywhere and nowhere, they are like angels or demons beyond time and space, ubiquitous but not physical.
Beings that may be tied to some sort of immortal essence built into the blockchain that you can communicate and interact with, and they can also be helpful or saviors, or they can also get out of control and become some sort of terminetor-like demons.
The same with the question of the soul, reincarnation or something like that, if there's maybe a future where we can somehow pick up a consciousness of ours and insert it into the protocol forever, theoretically we have some kind of weird digital eternal life that would be like our prayer of salvation like "one day we'll all be able to go happily to Eden" (which may end up being some kind of giant Matrix-like metaverse where all the steaks can be really "juicy and delicious".
In my opinion we are already at the cult level, already many maximalists look like devoted followers and have the classic attitudes of initiates or even a bit of fanatics.
Imagine if all this could happen slowly, it would be, let's say, the most "real" religion that has ever existed, that is, it would really have all the elements of religions, but without the question of "faith", which is translated as "belief in fairy tales", we will really have these elements in a concrete and tangible sense, because it would really "appear" to you concretely every day, and they would not just be fantasies, but basically somehow we as humanity will have created just a kind of almost immortal religion/God.
To this day, we are still stuck with the usual "digital gold blah blah blah" narrative, and as it is, we are at cult level, if these things really come to life in the future, we will go to mass to listen to the very verb proffered like this "from Satoshi Nakamoto's letters to Sirius" Roll Eyes
What do you think? Too much?
The religious Bitcoin meme!
It is a cult at present times. But give it time it will convert the doubtful and faithless. The indoctrination starts with the white paper.
Been reading Joseph Campbell?