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I feel like everyone is happy until happiness becomes a goal. The rat race to find happiness would lead us nowhere. The real happiness lies inside not outside. Happiness is not about getting all you want. It's about enjoying all that you have.

Why do we run behind happiness?

What we do with all the shit after all. We buy things we don't need With money we don't have to impress people we don't like. We don’t always know what will make us happy, yet we blindly pursue happiness, unaware that it is not something we achieve but something we stumble upon. — Someone

What is happiness in life?

"Happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts" — Marcus Aurelius
Great post! To be happy, you don't need to do anything special. Just love whatever is around.
This reminds me of the book "The Alchemist" by Paolo Coelho. The treasure is right beside you. Happiness in parallel is right beside us all along. Do not go on chasing illusions.
O wow! Alchemist! Yes, it does relate with the video. That's an amazing boom really. Have you read it completely? Why don't you just write a review of that book to be posted on SN!
Yes, I have read it and it is a very good idea to make a review about it.
Yes, please go ahead with it!
This reminds me of some kind of psychological effect that Adam Grant explored in one of his books (can't recall which).
The basic idea is that if you have to expend effort to prove to yourself something then you'll actually disprove it to yourself. The example he uses is: people that have to think of like 5 things they're grateful for, they wind up feeling less grateful and less fulfilled. Because it takes more effort.
He recommends using it in the context of pitching products/investments: you give them the main reasons they shouldn't invest/buy. You address those concerns. Then they have to expend effort to think of more and maybe they can't.
Its possible, I've been in a state beyond this, including thought patterns each days, for a few months... And that was even while running 2 companies and more or less taking charge of a retreat center.
But then dropping out of that state happened gradually, of course... ;-)
So all I know is that it is possible, I guess!
I know you've been to the Himalyas! I actually have my Home there. Thanks for your response! 🙏
Its been years ago since I started killing off any jealousy in my mind, but I just cannot help it right now hahaha!
Although I've only been there a few times it actually feels very much like home for me, especially Boudhanath... I just know I've been there in some previous existence :-)
You can be jealous. I won't mind it. I know I've been lucky to be born here! Why do you like Boudhanth so much? I mean for the monastery or the Himalyas!
I was drawn into Tibetan Buddhism on autopilot in 94/95, that changed everything :-)
Will be back there very soon unless something puts a stop to it!
Buddhism, I see. That's great! When you come just keep us updated. We can also have a small SN meetup!