Miranda Act

Sometimes referred to “Miranda Rights”, the Miranda act is a “police caution” that is spoken within many corporate country jurisdictions, when someone is detained or “arrested”.
The typical spoken caution is as follows:
“You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say will and can be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney, and if you cannot afford one, they will be provided for you.”
However this is not spoken to protect you, but to entrap you.
The clue is in the title Miranda Act; “act” means it is “acting” as law, so not law. It’s nothing more than a corporate policy.
Note: If someone else is telling you what your rights are, you have none.
The most damning part of the Miranda act is; “You have the right to remain silent” the trap is if you stay silent the police will take this as acceptance as you acquiesced. This is a form of pseudo-tacit agreement.
Note: When someone says “you cannot take the law into your own hands” means you never had the right to the law in the first place.
If someone else is telling you what your rights are, you have none.
BOOOM ! Another good pill.