I think if you can confront the possibility that you are capable of reprehensible harm and fully game out how that would look, the far less likely you are to carry such things out. Confronting fear is difficult, particularly when it is yourself you are afraid of (and I think we are all afraid of ourselves in our own unique ways).
You hit the nail on the head, nowhere is safe and never was. Most things are illusory. So, then, why not construct an illusion that empowers you, those you care about, and your community?
It seems like that is your intention. Hope you the best whatever you end up doing
Totally. I discovered very early on that I go stone cold and glass clear when in real danger, and with that comes a natural capability of becoming very dangerous, be it improvised or planned.
So I've spent decades avoiding getting into any situations where I'd have to go there haha!
You hit the nail on the head, nowhere is safe and never was. Most things are illusory. So, then, why not construct an illusion that empowers you, those you care about, and your community?
This is exactly what I've decided to do :-) And that includes complexity simply because the conditions we now live under more or less globally are treacherous as hell!
Constructing helpful illusions, I'd be happy with that hehe