Feminism asserts that all people suffer, including white men, under the framework of white supremacist patriarchy that we live in.
Now, the term “white supremacist patriarchy,” I’ve learned, is a dogwhistle term not just for feminists, but anti-feminists as well. Speak these words, and you will gain allyship with performative liberals whose support of disenfranchised groups always falls short of nothing more than words. Conversely, speak these words in another setting, and you instead get a white man with an open mind who thus far has given thoughtful consideration to your words instead curl up into a ball because you just called them the the bad guy simply for having been born.
I know these two groups, because I have been these two groups. But, as age compounds upon me faster than ever, both groups are now my enemy. The liberals are my enemy because their words do not make me safer. The anti-feminists are my enemy because they are too afraid of their shadow to realize they work for their own enemy by denying the possibility that they are the bad guy in ways they couldn’t even imagine.
Like Bitcoin, white supremacist patriarchy is decentralized. That is how it continues to persist for centuries with literally no one pulling the strings for so long. It is culturally engrained into us, burning alive our young capable men, sticking across generations like napalm so that those with power can roast their decadent marshmallows on our cindering corpses.
Bitcoin is feminist because it holds this same sticky decentralized power. It is intrinsically powerful because it is not theirs. And I don’t mean the monetary value, but the very framework of consensus. White supremacist patriarchy benefits those in power because it tricks capable white men into working themselves to death, fighting wars, and patting ourselves on the back with the consolation prizes the wealthy and powerful give us.
All we have to do is oppress minorities. And it doesn’t even have to be as overt as being a bigot or being a police officer that enjoys the shooting range a little too much. No, all we have to do is think we are intellectuals taking a nuanced and measured approach. What about this edge case? What about this scenario? What if I toss in a slippery slope argument? But what about this extreme scenario with a child involved? Will someone please think of the children!
The reality is, however, most of us do not get our consolation prize. By the time we realize we haven’t gotten our consolation prize, we are exhausted. We’ve been beaten down and screwed over by the same people/community/society that promised us everything. At that point, we are so tired that it is simply easier to blame the immigrants that are taking our old jobs. To blame women for divorcing us. To blame liberals for talking about transgender bathrooms while our economy was being transformed into a handful of monopolies.
I don’t have “white guilt” and I am not “woke.” I am just like most white dude I ever knew. Angry as hell and no fucking clue why. I stopped running from this “white supremacist patriarch” shadow of mine because nothing ever made any fucking sense and I was willing to look literally anywhere for answers. Feminism was the missing piece.
Don’t get me wrong, a ton of the rhetoric in my sources are grating. But they are heavily founded in good research. Everything clicks into place when you start connecting all the loose dots floating without any sense standing on their own.
If you are pro-freedom and haven’t taken a slow, methodical, objective, and introspective examination into what white supremacist patriarchy truly is, I highly recommend it. It is at the very least an angle to inform how to defend yourself and your community against authoritarianism. At the very least, there is common ground in that category, I assure you of that.
A good gentle and entertaining entry point I can suggest is FD Signifier on YouTube or YT alt front end of your choice.
Maybe its age, maybe its culture, probably its both, but I barely get some of the concepts and experiences that seem to be the background and part of what you're writing...
Or maybe even the former free world has changed this much since I got out around 6 years ago now?
Either way I do appreciate a lot your will to go anywhere evidence leads you, that is what we need to get out of all this mess...
Fuck its dark when you take all big picture, more or less proven models of what is going on into consideration, but that just makes it even more of a real need. To have any chance in flaming hell you will always need to know your enemy!
Will check out that Youtube channel, from the titles it seems that its a somewhat alien universe to me, which makes it even more interesting for sure ;-)