Just like you said. It is a virus and if Bitcoin goes to a million I will gladly buy yours. As for the corrupted ideology, it is indeed corrupted pretty much like a Marxist Capitalist. It doesn't exist it should not exist but we are seeing it.
With "Marxist Capitalist" are you thinking of how the corporations and fiat printers seemingly usurped and took over the left a while ago?
That was sooo obvious at the time, personally I saw it happening while I could find no one else that did.... Now it is of course totally obvious, and a real enemy!
As for the corrupted ideology, it is indeed corrupted pretty much like a Marxist Capitalist. It doesn't exist it should not exist but we are seeing it.
I don't even understand what you are saying here. "Marxist Capitalist" doesn't make sense, doesn't exist, yes. But how are we seeing it? What.