Hmmmm... Thanks, valuable bit of info!
I should know this, how does this affect VPNs? Would residential VPNs like Mysterium be necessary now, or in the future for Malaysians?
Malaysia has had a lot of so called illegal Bitcoin mining, but also everyone there is very conscious about how insanely corrupt the whole fiat game is because of that huge corruption scandal.
I should know this, how does this affect VPNs? Would residential VPNs like Mysterium be necessary now, or in the future for Malaysians?
You're thinking much to complicated here.
You can just type in cloudflare or google in your device settings as dns. It's that easy.
VPNs will just continue to work because they use the dns of the vpn provider outside of their country. Also Tor browser will continue to work just fine
Would not ISPs be required to block even IPs? Maybe not now, but later if this takes hold?
What if there is simply no requests coming back when using the IP you want? Or if you get re-routed to another IP address?
As far as I know its mere convention and standard software setup that is keeping countries from doing things like that?
Would not ISPs be required to block even IPs?
That would be a way to censor that actually works (but is still circumventable).
What if there is simply no requests coming back when using the IP you want? Or if you get re-routed to another IP address?
You're right for censorship via ip blocking, that's what it would look like. But they're not doing that, they're only rerouting dns.
As far as I know its mere convention and standard software setup that is keeping countries from doing things like that?
You're right the default dns in all modern operating systems makes this sensorship possible. But all modern operating systems you can just configure where to ask for dns instead. It's possible in windows, mac, iphone, android... everywhere. And affords very little tech skills to do.