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Since I'm writing stuff like this #673510 that is all about how to get away with things in real, life messy situation I certainly have to follow up with the opposite, when you should not push the envelope in any way!

Official documents

Unless you really, totally have to and also have some way of protecting yourself when it eventually blows up, never forge any official documents!
This goes in most countries and cultures, especially if you're a Rebel Nomad visiting, be it for a few days or decades. Admittedly there might be countries where it is so normal that it is virtually accepted, but can you be sure that this is the case for you as well? You just can't unless you have some very connected friends or helpers that you have had at least a few years to check out.
Maybe the only exception is if you're quite sure that the risk is far worse, like a roadblock or border during wartime. Still do think through what might happen all the way, try to game out all options, and make sure you've got those assessed in a realistic way before you even go down this route.
What if you get an offer? What if it is real documents or entries in databases that someone who knows the local ropes? That might be a different proposition, its a very different calculation of risk that we might come back to later.

Physical confrontations

It should go without saying that disobeying direct orders where you're up against others with real power, often the power to incarcerate you or worse, that is definitely time to follow any direct instruction to the letter.
That does not mean that you should not be mentally mapping out ways to deal with it as it develops, but in most cases you've now in a situation where mind games is your only, and best option.
Are there exceptions? While the liberal, free world still existed before the collapse into insanity there might have been exceptions. If you were on your own turf and knew what you were doing you could get away with a lot.
Think about situation like these as if you were in an army, you're already captured in a system where obedience is required. This goes for direct orders, of course you might sabotage, social engineer and wing your way out it in whatever unexpected way that is still possible ;-)

Rules, laws and regulations that are derived from the real world

If you've grown up in the fully captured West, where anything that is natural has been perverted, well this is something you really have to consider.
As an example I've been driving safely on roads in big Asian cities, with very few situations where I get even close to real problems. Why is that?
Even when I knew from the very beginning how this traffic jungle works it still took a while to really adapt. First of all its the rules that people follow organically that matter, this is why I haven't even read through the laws & rules that are printed ;-)
This is the social part of the real world rules, especially when driving a motorbike you better not piss anyone off! Also when you go with the flow you might get help, and certainly you learn to learn all the gotchas simply since you're doing the same as the locals.
The same goes if anything actually happens. Wrecked someone's vehicle, property or worse? In so many countries all that matters is that you compensate for it, regardless of who was "right". You are the foreigner, if you did not visit it would not have happened.
Are you able to wrap your head around that? It actually is quite logical, once you get rid of all woke programming about "rights'!
Keep this in mind and you'll also start behaving differently, simply because you know the danger & possible consequences. Your subconscious will help you get it right too, we are far more capable of internalizing real world rules like these than we've been programmed to think.
Then of course in traffic there is also the laws of physics, what asphalt, pylons or 30+ tons of moving steel can do to you is always there.
There might be other cases, but this is it for now! I write these in one go since that tends to uncover lots of pieces of content from memory, and then I'll integrate it all later into something more long form like a book :-)
Do you have any other examples where going along is the only sane option?
I would add on to that: your word. Be bound by your word.
Or Madex's oath: I swear by my life and my love of it to never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for the sake of mine.
Thanks, good one!
In a way that is derived from the real world, it used to be a natural and totally necessary thing, but that has also been rooted out of most soycieties these days...
Also it is hopefully one of the principles that will get to the fore with Bitcoin and Nostr again!
When honesty is optional, trust is a vulnerability.
Yeah... And in many environments honesty is now a direct liability too!
This is how cultures unravel I guess...