Is BitKit a reliable daily driver app yet? I was using the beta and found it too unusable, even though I really liked the approach and design to having contacts that support push payments and even wanted to get some friends on it with whom that would be a great feature.
I was using Phoenix for reliability, but as an American, I am not sure if the app might suddenly stop working? They say they no longer support America, but the app still seems to work so I am confused about this.
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I think Bitkit is at a point where you could use it daily, but that the Lightning Network itself still faces many challenges that will affect self-custodial usage. Every LN payment is a unique situation that can go wrong in many ways.
All complex software has bugs, so use what works for you and submit feedback when you find something off.
Regarding the USA and Phoenix, it probably still works because all they did was remove it from the app store, not block US people (yet?)