Oh @Kontext! I've expected nothing less than the above of you! Awesome, absolutely with you on that!
Can you expand some more?!
Well I don't have much more to add off the top of my head, maybe about the following:
why are so many people rendering their occupation the absolute center of their life?
I reckon that would have to do with the "meaning crisis" which in and of itself stems from the lack of religion/spirituality and strong family/community/tribal connections. In a Huberman Lab podcast with Dr James Hollis, Hollis said something, paraphrasing Carl Jung:
"People walked off the Medieval Cathedral into the Abyss of the Self."
Great topic btw 👊
Hm, yeah I also think that
religion/spirituality and strong family/community/tribal connections.
Are a very important aspects when looking at the (bad) mental state of the average citizen today, another very interesting topic.