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There is also evidence that diplomacy works. If today's blood-thirsty, war mongering leaders were in charge during the Cuban missile crisis we would not be here to have this conversation.
Imagina refusing diplomacy at all like UK/EU/Neocons do. That's really a cultural decay and highly unethical
The issue at hand still boils down to not only your side but the other. No one wants to compromise and when you are dealing with volatile leaders like Putin it is hard to take them for their word because of their history of actions. Europe as a whole I think is still burned by the WWII era diplomacy failures other failures.
This article from a couple of years ago highlights efforts made to prevent war and highlights how Russia was getting ready to invade its neighbor without reason but it failed and Putin wouldn't be deterred. Putin thought once the US had the embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan Biden would cave and didn't. https://foreignpolicy.com/2022/02/28/russia-ukraine-biden-eu-when-diplomacy-fails/