A memorandum is a piece of paper that lacks the force of a treaty.
The Budapest Memorandum was not ratified by the U.S. Senate. It is a political agreement rather than a legally binding treaty, which means it did not require Senate ratification. The memorandum was designed to provide security assurances to Ukraine, Belarus, and Kazakhstan in exchange for their accession to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) as non-nuclear states. The U.S. administrations involved did not seek Senate ratification because they believed the Senate would not approve a treaty with military commitments to Ukraine. Instead, the memorandum was adopted with more limited terms as a political commitment rather than a formal treaty[1][4][5].
*Edit lmao do you really think I dont know how the government works when I work for Congress... like... what even
Ah clearly not someone who understands the Southern Culture of honor and how Ukraine is handling this situation as it would be handled in the South.
Also your statement is like straight out of a Chappelle show skit