the only thing that cunt Putin is bleeding dry is the russian economy. listen to some non kremlin russian economists like Igor Lipshits.
they've obliterated their soverign wealth fund, lost more working-age men than all the previous wars combined (chechnia 1 and 2 and afghan) and they keep upping the payouts for military contracts and death payments. where;s all this money coming from? central bank barley keeping the thing afloat.
and wheres the money coming from to rebuild all the territory they have seized? crimea has been a financial drain since they took it over. it's net negative.
as for the eu fueling the conflict, you do realize that war production boosts GDP , right? all russias GDP is oil and their own military spending. looks good on paper
they give away old stuff and commission new stuff. cantillion all the way, but don't think for a minute that it will change anything for the economics of the EU
The EU is hurting itself by banning fossil fuels and shutting down coal and nuclear plants.
The net zero initiative is a path to poverty, third world.
Combined with its open border policy maybe the goal of EU is to become a third world banana republic
But the food...
What is Your opinion on the EU economy, public debt etc?