Views of a Havana that from the camera lens seems somewhat interesting. When you look through the lens of the Cubans then it makes you want to cry.
It is common for visitors to take photos of the "almendrones" as we call them, also of central and emblematic places such as the Yara Cinema. But the real view is further inland, where the city is being destroyed and only hotels are being built.
Where the streets are dirty and contaminated with sewage and garbage.
Where hospitals are consumed and doctors don't know what to do because we don't have anything to work or treat.
That is the true image of a violent and insecure Havana. If you are there again, show that Havana through your lens too
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I totally understand your disappointment, I will definitely show you the other part of Cuba.
I'm not really disappointed, more like sad. It is not specifically because of his work, although I thank him for being able to show the real and sad face of a city that causes me pain when I see it, I was born there and I have lived on another of the islands of the archipelago for 25 years, but it is difficult for me to visit the Havana because of all the transportation problems and also how it hurts when I see it. But generally people have a wrong idea of what the reality is here precisely because what is shown here is what is made up. Those old cars and those emblematic places are striking, but they are not reality or at least the only reality.