I've been predominently carnivore for 3+ years, now.
High sugar could be because I had breakfast that day? It doesn't make sense to me either.
I'm still on the fence with statins, especially because I am pretty sure that i can reverse the high cholesterol with a plant based diet... I need to do more research on that.
I had to go to the emergencies because I noted that my blood was not flowing properly, it was like my arteries were obstructed. I freaked out, because I was feeling very uncomfortable... I am sure if I had had an unhealthy lifestyle (I don't drink, I don't smoke, I rarely eat junk or processed food), it would have turned out worse.
I also did a heart tests, my ecg results weren't great, could it be the covid jab? I've heard of many cases of myocarditis after the jab... I need to do an ultra sound scan next week to confirm.
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The covid jab has been causing lots of problems, heart in particular.
If you want to learn more read some articles from Steve Kirsch on Substack (https://kirschsubstack.com/).
55 sats \ 1 reply \ @398ja OP 6 Sep
I'm very familiar with Steve Kirsh and the side effects of the covid jab. I don't rule it out but may be hard to prove in my case. I'm doing additional heart tests soon. Let's see... 🤞
Wishing you all the best with your health journey.