Hello dear stackers.
Today we had a pretty good day. It has given me great pleasure to share with the community my experience with the MFB Diploma in Cuba online, thanks to the hard work of @Cuba_BTC.
I have also learned about the close relationship between the FED and the Treasury in the United States.
I was very happy to know that SN surprised a user with her PoW yesterday.
I must confess that I am not a fan of social networks, I only find vanities and every now and then something interesting, unlike Stacker News, here it is always something interesting, educational, proactive.
Today, based on research for a school project, we talked a little about consciousness, an always difficult topic like freedom and privacy. It is very good to have a space like SN.
So congratulations to this team and all the stackers who contribute actively and educationally.
Let's continue being human beings.