I am, there's some brilliant tracks and some hilarious memes.
this territory is moderated
If you have any suggestions or ideas for rules or games, please tell me anytime.
In the BOTJ, we had a rule which stated 1 sat = 1 point.
In BOMM, I changed it to 10 Sat = 1 Point.
Which one is better?
I'm not sure it particularly matters really, I'd probably lean towards 10 per point, but i don't think it makes a huge difference.
It makes a difference when one gets more sats the difference on the points table will seem like huge! Also, some voter stackers may be biased to some player and may zap more. I want to minimize the effect of sats and maximize the effect of zaps.
Also, it's a new way of calculation, so in the experimentation pharse. From the next month, we'll be clear how to go with the point system.
We're currently having two games. BOTJ and BOMM. Both seem to be liked by players. I'm thinking about implementing one more weekly game on Fridays. I've two in my mind, one is the charts game, that we already had in trial period, the other is asking for musical facts.
Any suggestions for one more game?