I woje up this morning and just saw this ADORABLE German Shepher thta my neighbour just bought and it got me wondering how good looking dogs can actually be. know if you already have a dog, you'd say that YOUR dog id the cutest dog ever..and no problem... I otally agree with that :) .But let's end the argument here; what exactly is the SECOND cutest breed.Now from my 15 minute research this are my top 3. Do you have any additios, I'd love to hear them :)
Bernese Mountain Dog50.0%
4 votes
Hmm.. pinch?
I thought it was maltese?
I have always been a dog lover, but I have never had a favorite breed. I have always liked the San Fernando, the ChisĂș, all those quadruped animals, each one is truly unique and special.
Of course my dog is the cutest. Out of these 3, I will take the Bernese Mountain Dog. For breeds not included, I like Huskies and Labs.
I would disagree with your top three. You can't see it in the photos, but both the shih tzu and Pomerian have tear streaks and bulging eyes up close. No offense to the breed. This is all superficial. Good choice on the Bernese Mountain Dog