Tomorrow's data will hopefully help give us some sort of insight into what the Fed is going to do. I suspect a 25 basis point cut so that Powell can say he did something without impacting the elections (granted the whole market might go up in flames but ya know oops).
By sector jobs to me seemed to be much better than I figured it would be with
Professional and business services declined 16,000, manufacturing lost 8,000, and information services declined by 4,000.
Education and health services added 29,000, construction increased 27,000, and other services contributed 20,000. Financial activities also saw a gain of 18,000 and trade, transportation and utilities was up 14,000.
I might be alone in having some slight hope with nonfarm payroll numbers tomorrow helping clear the air more but the dramatic revisions we have seen kinda have thrown whatever they say the initial numbers are into the trash