How much longer the dollar system will last, at least I don't know, but for some time now we have been seeing the poor health of a system that was born sick. When the general adoption of Bitcoin will take place and thus live in a Bitcoin-only world, I don't know either but 15 years ago a very healthy monetary system was born.
But it's like they are doing everything possible to try to save the sick person and putting all the resources into that effort and on the other hand, they are trying to kill the healthy and strong one.
And it worries me even more that they are using the sick system (fiat system) to get everything they can from the healthy and strong system (Bitcoin). So in addition to knowing when the fiat system, with the dollar at the head, is going to end and Bitcoin is going to be established with general adoption, there is knowing what is going to happen to those entities that today have control under their power, through their seeds. , of Thousands of BTC, what is going to happen to those who have obtained their BTC with PoW but that do not reach those who have those financial or government entities.
With the introduction of BTG as a hard fork, we sought to balance mining and reduce the power of the pools, but in reality we make quite an event when a miner only manages to mine one block, as happened recently, and it is not that I am against the mining pool in the aspect that computing power is needed to maintain the speed of the main chain, but in any case of the miners, those entities are taking large amounts.
My question is, how will it affect those who even now strive to have their fractions of BTC, when the world is ONLY BITCOIN?
With that analogy, I see fiat feeding off the healthy system, Bitcoin, until Bitcoin is strong enough to kill the parasite.