We have talked about the freedom of choice of the individual and how from a praxological point of view, an individual can choose to be different despite the environment and collective thought. It turns out that I have seen a movie called "Radical" based on real events, about the work done by a Mexican teacher with sixth grade students at a school in Matamoros. In reality it helped them think, but that was not what the system wanted, it only wanted the boys to pass a link exam so that they could continue their studies. One of the teachers reflected in his words the essence of the educational system and in general of any political or economic system:
"If things go well, they pass. If things go badly, they pass. No matter how things go, they always pass"
It is clear how the system views individuals.
One of the children was killed and she had no choice, another girl could not continue her studies because she had to take care of her newborn sister, a task that corresponded to her mother, but she was not given the opportunity to continue. The young Paloma Noyola was able to continue, she had the opportunity and took advantage of it. But they don't always have the opportunity. I wish the powers that be did not take away opportunities from individuals, simply because it cannot be different.