What a story, I'll remember & relate this one in the years to come!
Under communism this is a big win, even though the value & item is seemingly mundane :-)
(We also have to contend with global, technocratic communism, will write about this later, I clearly see that your reality is different and more akin to "classic" communism)
How do we scale this economy, especially for content creators? This is what I keep chipping at every day, searching for any ideas that might work, and during this process I'll be doing my writing.
Actually while analyzing every single experience I've had in my ~5 decades alive before the 2020 psyop I realized that I had only been truly happy when there were no middlemen in my life. This kinda was the case when very young and working for cash under the tax limits, but soon I got dragged in of course...
Then in 99 after leaving a job of course the system failed me, and I was left with literally no cash at all, right when Christmas started.
After starving for a couple of days I then resorted to my last way out: I spent the silver coins I had gotten from drunkards and original, wild people a decade ago when working at a grocery shop.
That carried me over to the day when I could locate some cash, of course most of the real value was lost since no cashier would give me goods for more than the denomination, but I got to eat.
I had forgotten about this episode, but 2020 made it come back, and also made it clear to me that I should have bailed completely out of the whole scam waaay earlier!
At least I did that for the following year, using a loophole I billed customers directly, paying no taxes, fees or any other BS haha
That year was the best I had, until now I hope!
Your story is really interesting, can you write your anecdotes in this cold working world? In this life we ​​go through many situations, I like to read and know the experiences of other people