@plebpoet Is she still going to fuck him after that? What's the end all about?
Also, I wouldn't plan such a lame date in the first place, but if you're willing to fly over, I might be willing to show you what I am all about. 😉😸
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good question, so it's open ended there at the end, but I think no, she doesn't fuck him. This ending should demonstrate that no one has perfect judgement and everyone is lonely. Yeah, thought this story could give a sense of what not to do lol Not a bad line! you showed up with confidence in the comments, points for that. In answer, I'll disclose I am not single, and @ek knows this tsk tsk
Hm, good. It would've shook my little word real bad if she still would've "done-the-deed" with him after that.
I'll disclose I am not single, and @ek knows this tsk tsk
Hm, I mean, it's not like we can't make an itsy-bitsy little change to that... 🤭
(See Ek, she didn't find it cringy 🌝)
25 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek OP 4 Sep
oof, cringe 👀🙈
stacker news is one giant telenovela where my popcorns at? lol
I'd show you too, you know, but through the lense of being man-homies, of course... 🤭
0 sats \ 1 reply \ @anon 4 Sep