Welcome to another edition of Unhittable, where we marvel at the wonder that is modern day pitching.
With the help of pitching ninja, Rob Friedman, let's take a look at Los Angeles Angels young reliever, Ben Joyce, throwing absolute gas. 105.5 mph gas to be precise.
Typically, down and in to a Left Handed Hitter is not the best location for a pitch but when you throw it 105.5 mph anywhere in the strike zone will suffice. That pitch was Unhittable.
Sats for all, GR
Better get paid quick throwing that kind of gas because that arm ain’t gonna last long. That’s straight gas though
That’s the problem with all these guys that throw 100 plus consistently. They tend not to learn how to pitch and they tend to blow out their arms and not have much success when they can only throw 95.
Some claims that Nolan Ryan fastball could have reached 108 mph with today’s technology and radar positioning
I have heard that before but I am skeptical. Nolan could throw some heat and was an incredible pitcher for 2 decades but there is so much science that goes into velocity and spin. Teams have pitching labs where they hook these guys up to sensors and interpret the data to optimize what they can do. We are talking about the edge of what the human body can physically do. It has been argued that the physical limit for a human arm is 110mph. It’s hard to imagine Nolan almost maxed that out without all the science and data these guys have access to now but who knows.