A few days ago I had the opportunity to work as a photographer at the classic 15th birthday party celebration and I managed to take some very nice photos.
The truth is I took a lot of photos this day but today I only share today the ones that I liked the most.
The party had a decoration set in the style of Alice in Wonderland, it was very beautiful.
At the classic 15th birthday party there are always several elements that are carried out as part of the ceremony, the first thing is that the father changes the birthday girl's shoes and puts her on some heels, symbolizing the change in the stage of her life.
Then the mother and sister proceed to put a crown on her.
After those two things, the girl proceed to dance the waltz, here the birthday girl dances with all the party guests.
At the end of the entire traditional ceremony, I told the girl to give me about 20 minutes to take some portraits of her, before she went to change and with the heat of the party she ended up all sweaty.
It was time to put my photography skills to work!
First I took a portrait of her sitting in the chair, she looked beautiful like a princess.
Afterwards we went to where all the decorations were and I took a couple of portraits there next to the cake.
The party entertainers saw us taking the photo and wanted to join!!
Obviously we also took another photo in the chair with them too!
At the entrance to the party there was a very nice red carpet style decoration, I wanted to take some photos there too because I thought they could be very pretty and they were!
After finishing the portrait photo session, the quinceañera went to change her clothes and the party began. I wanted to take advantage of the occasion to take some photos with a swept style, a very typical style in party photos!
I hope you like these photos as much as I do!
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Wow, the photos are so beautiful and charming.