Sometimes, there is so much going on in my head that it feels like exploding and writing is a way to release some pressure but when I sit down to write, my head is suddenly empty or I can't understand my own thoughts as if they are in a different language.
So I actually believe there is always a lot going on in our heads but we don't always listen. It's like a frequency, we just don't know how to tune in on purpose.
-1 pressure
it works better if you actually write it down with a pen:)
33 sats \ 2 replies \ @ek 4 Sep
I am sometimes taking notes with a pen when I think about something that I want to think and write about more but now I just have a ton of notes about random stuff which don't really help with actually writing something coherent πŸ‘€
maybe ek want to learn the art of taking notes πŸ‘€
0 sats \ 0 replies \ @ek 4 Sep
maybe a little bit πŸ‘€
I can’t hand write fast enough. Typing is easier to keep up with
But one of the good things about writing with a pen is you can draw things at the same time πŸ˜‚βœŒπŸ½ and you also realize how auto typing or everything digitalize affects writing, I bet most people barely touch pen these days.
True, being able to draw is really nice. Anything beyond typing suffers when not writing by hand.