Scottish Court Converts Bitcoin Stolen in 2020 Robbery to Cash
Scottish authorities have converted 23.5 Bitcoin into cash, marking the first robbery in Scotland where cryptocurrency tracing was used to recover stolen assets.
In a significant legal step, Scottish prosecutors used proceeds of crime legislation to convert the 23.5 Bitcoin into cash, totaling £109,601 (approximately $144,017). This sum represents the value of Bitcoin at the time of the robbery in March 2020, when it was trading around $5,400.
The sad part is that the Bitcoin was not recovered and returned to the victim.
A quick check via Bitbo shows the cash value much higher and of course the value of the Bitcoin is totally lost in the Fiat trashcan when converted to the value of the date it was seized.
The tobleron was just some weird addition to the story...
One of the attackers repeatedly assaulted a woman with the personalized Toblerone before using it to make a “throat-slitting gesture.”
What did I learn from this?
Someone advertised and they got the wrong customers.
Keep your weapons handy.
poor guy got robbed twice. once by the thieves then second by the state
That's the truth for sure. They probably kept the proceeds from the Bitcoin sale for themselves.