To my modern eyes I read graft as a trick, gimmick, or scam but I believe the meaning is hard work.
Yes, in this context it means hard work, for sure.
In my view freedom is choice. And it is a choice. It starts in the mind but is lived out with your hands and feet. With it comes responsibility for one's self. Its also not a boolean. You are either moving closer to freedom or further away. I'm not sure one actually ever arrives. Many seem to think freedom is synonymous with self sufficiency. The later is not a goal many desire. I am one of them. I need other people and other people need me. We are communal beings, we are better together. We can be together and still be free. We are strongest when we each tend to ourselves and lend a hand to others when they need it. Not by force or coercion. But because our bonds of community are strong.
I couldn't have said it any better myself. Absolutely agree with you.