Last weekend, I went on a outing day in the mountains near my city. They offer a variety of culinary tourist attractions, as well as beautiful scenery along the way. That's why I often go to this national park to take pictures of everything I see that catches my eye.
I want to start with my favorite photo of the day. There was a man at the top of a hill, with a phone in his hand. I suspect he was there to get a signal.
Around that place there were a couple of very pretty cows:
And also a little dog, I jokingly call it an Andean dog because this mountains belong to the Andes Mountains.
On the side of the main road I could see this beautiful path that led to one of the farms in the area.
I continued up the main road and we came across this well-known spot in the city, it is known as "the tray" because long ago this place was used to wash cars.
In the surroundings I could see a couple of old houses where you could already feel the passage of time:
And others houses a little more cared with a country style:
And in another place I found something that caught my attention and although I couldn't take a picture of it properly, I leave you with this picture that I took from one side.
It is a bus that was adapted to be a restaurant, it is known as the "eco bus"
I hope you found this photo tour in the mountains of the Chorro del Indio National Park as beautiful as I did!
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