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Howdy ~Music Lovers!
SN Monthly Music Pool is already live and because it's our first month, you can join till 7th of this month (from next month this will be a two days window only). So, in case you've missed it last day, you can still join the pool.

Click here https://stacker.news/items/668641/r/SN_MusicPool to Join the ~Music pool kindly

Stackers who have shown interest to join the ~Music Pool but still not there are: @TNStacker @MB @Bell_curve @MANI @Cje95 @Melisa @suraz @siggy47 @K2000 @zana

Pool Reward Update: 16272 Sats (-10% for the fees)

Credit @Turdinthepunchbowl for 2000 Sats.

Games Update:

With Sep ~Music Pool, we have also kicked in a Battle of the Jams (Round one) game where all our participants have made their entries.

Announcement for the Next Game:

The Next Game will be A Musical Meme Wednesday where participants will come up with a meme related to Music. The rules and details will be out with the MMW post tomorrow.

A Note to all the Stackers:

The SN Monthly ~Music Pool is designed in a way so that everyone can participate in there either by joining the pool or by voting on the entries of participants. It's more like a reality show where contestents win or lose as per the votes by public. For this week, votin on BOTJ is open till upcoming Sunday. So, I urge you all to participate in any way you like, join the pool or vote for participating Stackers.

Vote on BOTJ Entries https://stacker.news/items/668700/r/SN_MusicPool

That's it for the daily ~Music Pool Update!
To know more about what's Music Pool is all about, please click here #668622
To Join the Pool, Please Click here #668641
To Vote on the BOTJ, please Click here #668700
As all sats zapped to the pool posts and buy ins constitute the pool reward, I urge you kindly Zap ⚡ the ~Music Pool generously.
So, why wait! Let's play the ~music pool!
Thanks for you love and support!
this territory is moderated
The Next Game will be A Musical Meme Wednesday where participants will come up with a meme related to Music. The rules and details will be out with the MMW post tomorrow
Really excited to know the next rules
I'm excited too! I don't know how @SN_MusicPool will manage so much about rules and so many games! The points calculation will be done on the the bio page, may be, so everything remains on SN!
I've decided to donate the trial ~Music Pool Sats Zapped last month to my posts, which were 2751 Sats, to this month's ~Music Pool.

The total Pool Reward ~Music pool (September 2024) should now stand as 19063 Sats.

Great Going so far! Within just 48 hours, the pool has accomplished nearly 20k Sats!
A Music Meme? Amazing! Nice job. Will wait for update